18.02.2021 : News
Join our webinar – Mental Health Issues in the Work Place
Stop Hiding and Start Living, a mental health focused Webinar by Dr. Bill Howatt on February 25, 2021
Mintz Global Screening is proud to announce its exciting collaboration with Dr. Bill Howatt, Ph.D., Ed.D, one of Canada’s top experts in mental health issues in the workplace and has more than 30 years of experience in the field of mental health, addiction, and HR consulting. On February 25, 2021, meet us online for a much-needed talk.
The Current State of Mental Health in Canadian Workplaces
One in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem or illness within a given year1. This figure equates to 20% of the Canadian population, approximately 7.1 million individuals. The prevalence of mental health issues also has a direct impact on the workplace. Every day, 500,000 Canadians are unable to work due to mental health problems or illnesses2. In a recent paper by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, it was reported that 68% of employees felt mental health impacted their job performance at some point over the last year3. The financial impact of lost productivity as a result of mental health issues is also staggering. It is estimated that mental health issues account for $68 billion in lost productivity4. Numerous studies cite the largest contributor of mental health issues is stress, especially workplace related stress5. These statistics suggest that many employees are having challenges regarding their mental health and their ability to cope with the day-to-day challenges of life and workplace related stress.
Impact of Resilience in the Workplace
A significant portion of the mental health challenges many Canadians face stems from psychosocial stressors. One strategy to help employees to better cope is to provide them an opportunity to develop their resilience and coping skills. Those with higher levels of resilience have shown increased mental fitness, problem solving skills, concentration, life satisfaction and overall performance6. In a recent study, it is estimated that employers can observe an estimated return of $600,000 per 1,000 employees if the resilience rate among the workforce is increased by 3%.
Stop Hiding and Start Living, the Webinar
What could be so hard about being a human being? Could it be keeping a loving relationship on the right track, paying bills and managing debt, worrying about the future (global warming, pandemics, geopolitical tension), managing the demands of family, parent care, and work? The fact is most all of us have something happening in our life that is a distraction, drain or concern. The frequency, duration and intensity of the stress we are perceiving can predict the degree it may negatively impact our mental health and happiness.
That is why Dr. Bill Howatt created the F-it model to help people who are feeling stuck in one part of their life to move from fear, failure, focus, finishing to flourishing. In this unique program he will combine a unique blend of personal and professional experience to share what he learned that helped him move through one of his biggest personal life challenges. Dr. Bill will share a use-friendly non-clinical model for how we can improve our mental fitness.
We know that what stops us from making life better is fear, it can keep us parked in areas of our life for more time than we would like it to but what we also know is that what we believe is possible for ourselves will also come true, good or bad. Dr. Bill will inspire you to believe that we can move past fear when we are motivated, when we have a plan and when we are ready to move through the steps required to move from where we are to where we want to be.
During this webinar, Dr. Bill will help us:
- Normalize fear and explore how to reframe it from an anchor to an opportunity
- Examine the bridge from fear to failure and why it is worth taking with caution
- Discuss the power of intention and focus for moving through failure.
- Explore how we can learn to create momentum by recognize when we have finished what we planned on accomplishing.
- Anchor the notion to flourish in life a by-product of making healthy micro decision and behaviour over and over with intention.
Mintz Global Screening’s commitment to your organisation’s well being
Mintz Global Screening is committed to offer its clients an HR support that goes beyond an exhaustive and customizable background check program, we are committed to provide our partners with added value services. This is why in 2021, we are offering our clients the chance to participate in an exceptional series of webinars, starting off strongly with the Stop Hiding and Start Living Webinar, by the Founder and President of HowattHR, Dr. Bill Howatt. The webinar will take place on February 25, 2021 at 4:30pm Est time.
Order your copy of Stop Hiding and Start Living here and contact us now to register and obtain your link for the webinar.
Sources :
1 Smetanin, P., Stiff, D., Briante, C., Adair, C., Ahmad, S. & Khan, M. (2011). The life and economic impact of major mental illnesses in Canada: 2011 to 2041. RiskAnalytica, on behalf of the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
2 https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/focus-areas/mental-health-matters
3 Howatt, B., Bradley, L., Adams, J., Mahajan, S., & Kennedy, S. Understanding mental health, mental illness, and their impacts in the workplace. https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/media/4110
4 The global economic burden of non-communicable diseases. Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2011.
5 Howatt, B., Bradley, L., Adams, J., Mahajan, S., & Kennedy, S. Understanding mental health, mental illness, and their impacts in the workplace. https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/media/4110
6 https://www.benefitspro.com/2016/02/01/10-reasons-for-helping-employees-be-more-resilient/

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