10.02.2016 : News
Restoring simplicity to the hiring process
The hiring process was once so simple. You placed an advertisement, people applied for a position, an interview or two was conducted, you hired the candidate you felt was best for the position and you hoped things worked out. Unfortunately the world no longer is that simple. A poorly performing employee can lead to problems that can cost your business its reputation, cost your clients financially and ultimately can cost you the loss of that client.
The media today is relentless in exposing mistakes made by under-qualified employees and, when they do, it is not the employee they blame – it is the corporation itself. As we have seen from recent events in the financial community and other sectors, employee mistakes can literally strip millions of dollars from a company’s stock valuation instantly once exposed. Regardless of where an erring employee is placed in an organization – the threat is the same.
The basic question always remains the same – what can we do to protect ourselves? The answer to this question is actually fairly simple – you check job candidates’ backgrounds. Common sense tells us that the best indicator of future performance is past behaviour and the best way to determine past behaviours is through a comprehensive background check report performed by an independent third-party company.
Why use a third-party company? There are two key reasons. First, as a third-party, they are truly objective and have no vested interest in the information they gather. The information obtained is not clouded by personal opinions or biases thus preserving the effectiveness and integrity of the screening process. Secondly, third-Party companies employ qualified professionals trained in the art of pre-employment screening. They have access to efficient information networks and have experience that can only be gained through constantly working with background check reports.
Effective background check reports provide information vital to making an informed business decision about a potential employee. That information may consists of an I.D. verification, criminal record checks, credit information, references, education verification, professional accreditation, employment verification and international security reports. This information will provide you with the peace of mind that you have used the best information to make the best decision in the placement of a candidate.
Today’s business environment may not be as simple as it once was but with all you have to worry about, letting experts check the qualifications and past behavior of your employees will help eliminate concerns about their future performance. Comprehensive pre-employment screening services will help keep your employees, your customers and your business secure as you assist your clients in building a quality workforce, preserving their corporate reputation and maintaining a safe and productive work environment. It really is that simple.
By Daniel Fallows

05.02.2024 : News
Revealing beyond the resume: Introducing Open Source Media Search
In today’s interconnected world, an individual’s contributions extend far beyond the confines of their workspace. What they express, engage in, and how others perceive them can significantly influence a company’s reputation. At Mintz Global Screening, we understand the importance of gaining a holistic understanding of potential employees beyond the transcending facts and figures presented on their resumes. We are thrilled to introduce our latest innovative service: Open Source Media…

29.03.2022 : News
What happens when a candidate lies on their resume?
As a result of the greater accessibility of higher education, and the consequent increase in the number of people obtaining higher degrees than a few years ago, the competitiveness for top jobs has exploded. It is therefore no surprise that in order to increase their chances of being hired, more and more unscrupulous people decide to embellish or simply lie about their qualifications, experience or skills when applying for such…

06.12.2021 : News
Distribution of fake safety certificates puts public at risk
In Alberta, the RCMP has Uncovered a Fraud Involving the Distribution of Thousands of Counterfeit Safety Certificates On November 4th, the RCMP has uncovered a large-scale fraud involving the distribution and selling of thousands of counterfeit safety certificates across the western provinces of the country. The operation mostly involves first-aid and hydrogen sulphide awareness trainings as well as other safety courses. The two major organizations affected by the…